At Main Street Realty we understand that there is a lot more to selling a house then listing it with an agent. We have done our research in the current market we acknowledge that more than 90% of buyers search the internet for there for ever home/property. With our up today marketing skills we can help your property stand out from the rest.
Clear Signage out the front of the property is easily recognised in the market place as Main Street Realty Blackbutt it will notify passing traffic that your property is for sale with “us” the agent.
Professional photography
We offer the best possible images of your property to create the foundation of a successful marketing campaign. Helping your property stand out from the rest.
Window display
Our office is located in the main street of Blackbutt the ideal position to display of your property. We use unique QR codes for each property making it easy for buyers to scan and be taken directly to for more information regarding the property.
Over the past decade, our world, and particularly the world of house hunters has become increasingly digital. Real estate consumers are going online at a rapid pace to look for information to support their choice in today’s market.
Buying decisions
At Main Street Realty we are Google, You Tube, Face book, and ready. You can be assured that buyers looking on the web will be able to locate your property to view a professional overview and arrange an inspection.
Print media
We have printed pamphlets located at the front of our shop for view which are available 24/7. Our pamphlets contain up to date rural and residential home sales.
Video Listings
At Main Street Realty we offer affordable interactive video tours. With 84% of first-time home buyers and 79% of repeat buyers search for a home on the Internet, according to a National Association of Realtors (NAR) study. Interactive video tours make a property stand out among other online listings. With great feedback from our video listings we are excited to have this available to all our clients. With our elaborate text and live footage this opportunity will give your property an extra step up from the rest.